Service Directory Use our service directory to find out more about the ranges of services available to support young people and their families as well as information on parenting young people.
Parenting information and resources
Connexions Practical support and counselling to
young people with mental illness and drug problems.
ABCD Parenting Young Adolescents Information and strategies to help parents build positive, trusting relationships with their young adolescent children.
Child and Youth Health News and practical health information for adolescents, parents and carers.
Parentline An outline of the services provided by Parentline and details on how to contact this service.
The Stepfamily Association of Victoria This website offers helpful information, advice and articles for people who are considering forming a stepfamily or who are already in one.
Melbourne Citymission Citymission has been working with vulnerable individuals, families, and communities in Melbourne and Victoria for over 155 years. Services and resources available through Melbourne Citymission include:
Family Drug Help Helpline: 1300 660 068
24 hour phone counselling service for family members affected by another's drug use. Website has useful resources and links to other websites. Service also provides support groups and newsletters.
Directline Helpline: 1800 888 236
24 hour counselling and referral line for people with drug and alcohol problems and those affected, such as family.
Youth Substance Abuse Service Helpline: 03 9418 1020
24 hour counselling, support and referral for 12 to 21 year olds.
Australian Drug Foundation Helpline: 1300 858 584
For information on drugs, dealing with a family member, and treatment services.
Victorian Government This site provides information on how to get help for a substance abuse problem.
Infoxchange Service Seeker The Infoxchange Service Seeker provides information about required services based on your needs and location.
McKay M., Fanning P., Paleg K., Lanelis D., (1996) When Anger Hurts Your Kids, New Harpinger, USA.
Sells S. P., (2001), Parenting Your Out Of Control Teenager, St Martin's Press, New York.
Carr-Gregg M., (2005), Surviving Adolescents, Penguin, Australia
Faber A., Mazlish E., (2006) How to Talk so Teens will Listen and Listen so Teens will Talk, Harper Collins, Australia
Pallotta-Chiarolli, M. (2005) When Our Children Come Out, Finch Publishing, Australia
"My twenty-one year old daughter has a problem with heroin and prescription drugs. She did a rapid detox one time. Even in the first week after the detox, I knew it hadn't completely fixed things because she was using a bit, but then she seemed to get better."