Jesuit Social Services

Are you a family member, carer or friend who is worried about a young person? Strong Bonds is here to help you help them.

When problems happen, it is often the help and support of people closest to you that gets you through the bad times. For a young person, this help is really important, even though at times it may not seem so.

The Strong Bonds website offers useful information to help you support your young person through hard times, so that you can keep making a difference to their health and well-being. It also, importantly, offers information to help you feel better and cope with the situation.
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Strong Bonds is a project of Jesuit Social Services
Worried about someone?
How can I better understand the problem?
Understanding drug use
Understanding mental illness
Understanding complex needs
How can I better understand the reason?
What went wrong? Why?
How do young people develop?
What are good ways to parent an adolescent?
What are family dynamics?
What is my parenting style?
How can I better manage my feelings?
How do I deal with feeling guilty?
How do I deal with past hurts and traumas?
How do I keep living my own life?
How can I stay calm?
How do I deal with feeling blamed?
How can I better handle the situation?
How can I build our relationship?
What do I do if there is no relationship?
How do I set boundaries?
How can I help my young person start over?
How can we communicate better?
How do I deal with conflict?
How do I deal with violence?
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